A Singer's Guide to Performance
- Wait for all applause - real, expected, or imagined! If you don’t get an ovation, face front and repeat the last phrase louder. Failing this, clap for yourself.
- Cultivate an attitude of hostility. Tension gets results - on stage and off
- A good performance, like concrete, should be moulded quickly and then forever set.
- Your first responsibility as a singer is to find your light.
- Do not listen to your fellow singers on stage. It will only throw you. Do not look at them either - You may not like what you see.
- Always be specific - point to what you’re singing about.
- If a phrase isn’t working for you, change it.
- Stage Managers arc NOT singers - ignore them. Keep them alert by never arriving on time or signing in.
- Never be afraid to ad-lib to get attention, especially if you feel the other singers aren’t very entertaining.
- Mistakes are never your fault.
- Always find something to bitch about, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Your fellow singers will respect your professional attention to detail.
- Never carry make-up - someone else will always have what you need. Never help understudies. (They secretly hate you and want your job)
- Do help your fellow singers by giving them constructive criticism whenever you feel it necessary. Be sure to give that criticism immediately before they go on - it will be fresh in their minds that way.
- Keep other singers on their toes by ridiculing their performances, and never let them know what you’re going to do next
- Play the reality - always be aware of the audience and whether you think they like the opera, and then gauge your performance accordingly. Why knock yourself out for ungrateful snobs?
- Need to develop a character? Get a costume.
- The only difference between an amateur and a pro is that the pro does exactly the same thing for money.
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