A "MUSIC hub" is set to be created for youngsters in Central Beds that will help give all schoolchildren...
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Music hubs to be created for children

A "MUSIC hub" is set to be created for youngsters in Central Beds that will help give all schoolchildren the chance to learn a musical instrument in class

The initiative is a key part of the government's national music plan to create a system which encourages everyone, whatever their background, to enjoy music and help those with a real talent to flourish.

The scheme will be expected to form strong partnerships with schools, music organisations, practitioners and communities to provide quality music education.

A feast of musical activities ranging from African drumming and ukuleles for beginners to junior orchestras are also available at its four Saturday morning Music Centres based in Ampthill, Dunstable, Leighton Linslade and Biggleswade.

Inspiring Music has won the appointment from the Arts Council England on the strength of its of music-making opportunities it currently offers.