Response from Edwina Grant
Following Ian Smith's Letter to Edwina Grant, the following response has been received:
Mr Ian Smith
The Friends of Bedfordshire Youth Music
Dear Mr Smith
Bedfordshire Music
Thank you for your letter of 14th March, which was acknowledged on 17th March.
On the matter of the possibilities for the future of the Music Service as a joint service, as an officer of the Council it is my work to implement the decisions of elected Members. You quote the Scrutiny Committee of 30th November 2010. However, in December 2010 and subsequently, in Bedford Borough Council, elected Members made the decision to disaggregate the services into two. I am now implementing this decision. Officers of the Council are expected to implement such decisions as swiftly and efficiently as they can.
In this case, Bedford Borough Council asked for a summer disaggregation.
With regard to assets, which includes instrument music stock and the library, we are currently logging these assets and we are in communication with Bedford Borough Council regarding the possibility of a library service that each service can access.
On your questions on the fees structure, that decision was taken later, along with the decision on the budget for the music service. As you know, Members have asked for a "full cost recovery service" in Central Bedfordshire, which has led to the fee increases. Academies can buy services alongside Local Authority schools.
On your comment about the view of Government, the Government has not taken a view about size or economic issues about services when allocating the grant. They indicated that the grant may be plus or minus 10% and indeed, the grant was minus 10%.
This reply will answer your questions, except some of those which relate to the future. As you know, the Council has received the grant, commonly called the "Henley Grant" of £393,704 (which is 10% less than last year), nevertheless a good amount. This will retain teachers, about which you also ask.
I would hope that the Friends of the Music Service would contribute to the current consultation on how we shape our service going forward.
Regarding a meeting with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, I note that you have written to them separately, attaching a copy of the letter you have sent to me. I have not yet heard from them about their wish regarding a meeting. However, I think it is possible that you, or one of your colleagues, may have been present at the Music Stakeholder event, so events may have already overtaken us. I am aware that at that meeting, ClIr Mrs Lewis outlined her vision for the service and hoped that Voluntary Groups would assist us.
Yours sincerely,
Edwina Grant
Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Children's Services